A computer network is a collection of computers, printers and other equipment connected in one network. Information and data moving through cables or wirelessly, allowing network users to computer can exchange data and documents, printing on the same printer and together using hardware/software that is connected to the network. Every computer, printer or peripheral that is connected to the network is called node. A computer network can have two, tens, thousands or even millions of nodes.


In general the computer network was divided into five types, namely;

1. Local Area Network (LAN)

Local Area Network (LAN) is a network of private property within a building or campus, measuring up to several kilometres. LAN is often used to connect personal computer and workstations in a corporate office or factories to put together a resource (your resouce, e.g. a printer) and exchange information.

2. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), is primarily a LAN version is larger and typically use the same technology with LAN. MAN can include corporate offices located adjacent or also a city and can be utilized for personal use (private) or public. MAN is capable of supporting voice and data, can even be associated with cable television network.

3. Wide Area Network (WAN)

Wide Area Network, its scope covers a large geographical area  often covering a country even the continent. WAN consists of a collection machines that aims to run programs <applications>.

4. The Internet
In fact there are many of these in the world network, often using hardware and software. People who are connected to the network often wish to be able to communicate with other people who are connected to other networks. The desire of this kind requires the relationships between tissue that usually is not kampatibel and different. It is common to do this required a machine called the gateway to relations and implement the necessary translation, either hardware or software. Collection of network terinterkoneksi this is called with the internet.

5. Network without Wired/Wireless LAN (WLAN)

Wireless networking is a solution to komukasi that can not be done with a network cable. For example, people who want to get information or make a communication despite being located above
a car or an airplane, then it is absolutely necessary because the cable network without a cable connection is made it is impossible in a car or plane. Currently a network without cables already rampant use by utilizing satellite services and able to provide a faster access speed compared to the network using a cable.


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